Ford Fuels Heating Oil for Homes

Renewable Fuels Assurance Scheme

Ford Fuels are now a member of the Zemo Renewable Fuels Assurance Scheme. The Renewable Fuels Assurance Scheme (RFAS) is an initiative designed and managed by Zemo Partnership. The Scheme aims to verify claims made by companies supplying renewable fuels to heavy duty vehicle and equipment operators regarding their product’s GHG emission savings and provenance of raw material feedstocks.

The RFAS works alongside the Government’s Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation (RTFO), providing a mechanism for guaranteeing that fleet operators are purchasing bulk supplies of sustainable low carbon fuels. The Scheme enables fleet operators to receive renewable fuel supply chain specific GHG emission data, thereby ensuring accurate and representative information for company carbon reporting. Furthermore, credible GHG emission savings figures will help inform decision making processes regarding vehicle fleet decarbonisation options by demonstrating the merits of sustainable low carbon fuels.

Transport sectors covered by the scheme are road vehicle and heavy duty off-highway, notably non-road mobile machinery (NRMM) used on construction sites. Example renewable fuel types that can be approved include biodiesel, hydrotreated vegetable oil, biomethane, renewable hydrogen, various development fuels and blends of renewable fuels. The RFAS encompasses the complete renewable fuel supply chain from feedstock cultivation or waste raw material collection, production and distribution of the final product to the customer.

You can find out more HERE.