What are the benefits of the Fixed Price Fuel scheme?

Our Fixed Price Fuel scheme guarantees the price you pay for your winter fuel, allowing you to protect yourself against price rises during the colder months.

When is the Fixed Price Fuel scheme available?

You can sign up today, but all Fixed Price Fuel contracts run from 1st October to 31st March.

If the market rises/falls, will my contracted Fixed Price Fuel change?

No, the fixed price will remain the same, giving you peace of mind, regardless of the market movements.

Is the Fixed Price Fuel negotiable?

After signing your contract, the price is no longer negotiable, irrespective of the current market price at time of delivery.

Are Fixed Price Fuel prices subject to change?

No, however, you will be subject to any Tax rate changes.

What happens if I order above my Fixed Price Fuel limit?

Any volume delivered above the agreed volume will be charged at the Ford Fuels standard rate on the day of delivery.

Is there a set amount of Fixed Price Fuel I must agree to purchase?

There is a minimum contract requirement of 1000 Litres. You then choose your maximum amount, which must be taken before the end of the contract.

Will I need to pay a deposit for my Fixed Price Fuel?

A 10% deposit on the contracted fuel is required.

What are the Fixed Price Fuel payment & contract Terms & Conditions?

In addition to Ford Fuels’ standard Terms & Conditions of Trading (which can be found on our website), the following clauses shall apply:

  • The Customer shall take the quantities of product as detailed in the above schedule.
  • The quantities of the Product sold shall be conclusively deemed to be as shown on the relevant measuring devices of the Supplier.
  • A 2% tolerance will be applied either way of the total contracted volume.
  • The Customer is required to advise Ford Fuels when delivery will be required.
  • Deliveries will be made between Mondays and Fridays (inclusive) each week, with the exception of bank holidays.
  • The minimum volume for a single delivery will be 500 Litres, which must be delivered into a single tank.
  • The Customer will be responsible for ensuring the correct space (ullage) is available to ensure a safe fuel delivery.
  • The price on this contract is non-negotiable, irrespective of the current market price at time of delivery.
  • The Customer will be charged at full price for any of the Product not taken.
  • Deliveries must be made to the address(es) specified in the schedule above. Deliveries to an alternative may be made by mutual agreement but may attract a delivery surcharge.
Will I need to sign a contract for Fixed Price Fuel?

Yes. You will receive a contract which must be signed and returned before delivery can commence.

When will my Fixed Price Fuel deliveries be made?

You advise us when you would like a delivery. Deliveries can be made between Mondays and Fridays (inclusive) each week, except for bank holidays.

What is the minimum amount of Fixed Price Fuel I can have delivered?

The minimum amount for a single delivery will be 500 Litres, which must be delivered into a single tank.

Who is responsible for ensuring enough empty space in my tank for my Fixed Price Fuel?

You are responsible for ensuring the correct empty space is available to ensure a safe fuel delivery.

Can I change the delivery address after signing the contract for my Fixed Price Fuel?

Deliveries must be made to the address specified in the contract. Deliveries to an alternative may be made by mutual agreement but may attract a delivery surcharge.

What happens if I go over my credit limit?

When the credit limit on your account is reached deliveries will be withheld until a payment has been received to bring the account within the credit limit.

Will I be notified in advance if I’ve not used all my contracted Fixed Price Fuel?

If the customer has not taken the full amount by the last week of the contracted period, Ford Fuels will contact the customer to advise.

Will I be charged for any Fixed Price Fuel product not taken?

In signing this agreement, you are agreeing to purchase the full volume of fuel before the expiry date. Any fuel not delivered will still be charged so it is important that you only agree to be contracted for what you expect to use.

If I don’t use all my Fixed Price Fuel, can I use it next year?

No, the fixed fuel must be used in the agreed period written in the contract.

What should I look for when visually inspect your own oil storage tank?

– Look for cracks, splits, rust, bulging, faults gauges & oil spills.
– Ensure your tank is securely based.
– Check for condensation.
– Prevent rain water contamination.
– Regularly inspect your tank (monthly).
– Be aware of potential damage caused by strong winds & storms.
– Clear snow build up from the top of your tank.
– Secure your tank against fuel theft.
– Replace your tank if damaged.

What is Carbon Offsetting?

By Carbon Offsetting you are funding Green Initiative Projects that reduce carbon emissions around the world.

What Carbon Offsetting projects are there?

There are a variety of projects that are funded through Carbon Offsetting, for example, Forestry Restoration Wind Farms and Hydro Electric Dams. Each project has been validated at the highest level to ensure they are long term and sustainable.

Which Carbon Offsetting project(s) am I funding?

Ford Fuels pre purchases credits from the Carbon Offsetting scheme. Those credits are then assigned to the customer accordingly. The scheme backs many different global initiatives. Ford Fuels will provide the customer with a certificate to provide evidence of which projects they have helped fund.

Are all the Carbon Offsetting Projects located abroad?

Not all the projects are abroad, however the UK ones do run at a much higher cost (+12-15p per litre, on top of the standard bulk fuel price).

However, one should consider that in the UK there are already commercial benefits and grants from the government for such projects. In many other nations where there isn’t government support there has to be some incentive to move to renewable energy, without the project issuing carbon credits it would never get off the ground and thus not reduce CO2.

How much does Carbon Offsetting cost?

+2.5p per litre, on top of the standard bulk fuel price.

Will I be charged tax on Carbon Offsetting?

No, Carbon Offsetting credits are zero rated for VAT purposes.

How much CO2 do I save by Carbon Offsetting?

By carbon Offsetting you save 2.6 metric tonnes per 1,000Litres sold.

Why choose Carbon Offsetting over Renewable Fuel/HVO?

Many customers want to go green, but for many of them HVO/Renewable Fuel may not be a viable alternative to fossil fuel (as prices are currently significantly higher). Carbon Offsetting may be the answer, until prices drop, as it is only +2.5p per litre, on top of the standard bulk fuel price, but has the benefits of contributing to a greener future.

If I’m on your Top-Up System, once I request Carbon Offsetting will it be applied to all my orders going forward?

Yes. As a top-up customer all your orders will have Carbon Offsetting applied unless you request otherwise.

If I’m NOT on your Top-Up System, once I request Carbon Offsetting will it be applied to all my orders going forward?

No. Each time you order you will be given the chance to opt into Carbon Offsetting for that specific order.

If less than the ordered quantity of fuel is delivered, will the equivalent cost of Carbon Offsetting be refunded?

Yes, you will only be charged for the number of litres you receive. I.e., if your delivery was 993 Litres then you would only pay for 993 Litres worth of carbon credit.

What should I do if my tank is leaking?

You should immediately stop the flow of the oil to help prevent the oil from entering water sources or soaking into the ground.

You can then use absorbent materials such as sand (or cat litter) to contain oil.

Turn off supply lines (in case the oil is leaking from a pipe).

Then you should call an oil technician to arrange a clean-up.

Does my tank ever need the inside cleaning?

To help prevent the buildup of water and sludge (which can lead to leaks & corrosion) it is recommended that the inside of oil tanks should be cleaned out every 5 years.

Contact us and we can arrange for one of of team to organise this service.

Should I get my Boiler / AGA serviced?

It is advised to get your Boiler services once a year, and you AGA serviced twice a year. If you have not have them serviced within that time, it is recommended that you should book in a service ASAP, so that your appliances are in good working order before they are expected to do there most amount of work. Contact us and we can organise for one of our Heating Engineers to book one in for you.

When should I buy my oil for Winter?

Currently the oil market is fluctuating due to many external factors. However like every other year it is still advised to order your fuel ASAP, as when we get further into the Winter season fuel demand increases and delivery dates fill up fast.

When should I replace my tank?

If when you inspect your tank you notice any of the following: Cracks, Bulges, Corrosion or Leaks, then you should arrange a replacement tank. When organising a replacement tank you may discover that oil storage regulations have changed since your last instalment. Give us a call and we can discuss with you potential solutions for a repl;acent and it’s installation.

If your tank has discolouration of the outer shell, due to sun damage, you may also wish to consider a replacement tank.

What damage should I look for on my tank?

Cracks- Check for any small / large cracks on your tank.

Discolouration – If the tank is turning white / fading due to sun exposure it may be time to replace your tank.

Bulges- Bowing, where the tank is bulging.

Corrosion- Check your tanks pipework for rust and damage.

Smell – If there is a strong smell of kerosene you may have a tank leak.

Stains – If you see stains / wet patches by your tank it could suggest there is a fuel leak.

Leaks – If you notice any fuel leaks, contact us immediately.

How often should I check my tank?

During the colder months it is advised to check your tank at least once a month. You should also check it after extreme weather conditions, such as heavy snow fall, high winds and large down pours of rain.

By doing this your can ensure you catch any potential problems before they become irreversible.

How can I keep my fuel secure from thieves?

You should always use a padlock on your tanks lid, although this doesnt ensure your tank won’t get broken into it will at least deter less prepared thieves.

During Winter fuel prices are generally higher, this makes it a prominent time for criminals to steal oil from tanks.

Why do I need to check for tank condensation?

Condensation occurs naturally inside your oil tank and can be caused by both hot weather and a change in weather conditions. Condensation, when built up over time, can drip into the fuel, causing contamination.

It can be difficult to check for contamination using a visual assessment. Instead it is recommend that after periods of extreme hot weather, and during the change from Summer to Winter, you should test that your heating system is operating as it should. That way if it is not, you have the time needed to get it fixed before the Winter weather catches you off guard.

Why do I need prevent rain water contamination in my tank?

During your tank inspections you should ensure your heating storage tank is waterproofed. You should check the lid is securely fastened, and also check for any signs of damage where water could seep into your tank. After heavy rainfall you would be advised to make an unscedules check on your tank, just in case the weather conditions have adversely affected the integrity of your tank.


If water does get into your fuel it can cause the growth of unwanted bacteria and the formation of sludge at the bottom of your tank. These can cause many problems if they then enter your fuel lines. If this happens you will need the assistance of a Heating Engineer to flush the pipes to return the tank to working condition.

Why do I need to ensure your tank is securely based?


Your tank should always be centrally positioned securely on its base.  The base should be level. Signs of damage or subsidence should be rectified ASAP.

If you are unsure if yours is securely based, you should contact us immediately so we can install it safety fro you before and stormy weather hits.

As the oil tank will fluctuate in weight due to the changing levels of the fuel inside, the tank can become much lighter. Therefore if the tank is not securely based it may become loose when lighter if hit be high winds or high water levels.

If you tank has been displaced since it’s initial installation it could be subjected to uneven external forces, which over time could lead to damage to the tank potential causing accidental spills.

Should I be concerned about damage to my tank caused by strong winds & storms?

It is advised to always inspect your tank after windy weather or storms. Stormy weather can cause branches, stones etc to impact with your tank, causing potential damage. This debris should be cleared from the tank and the tank should be inspected for any signs of damage. You should also check any fittings on the tank which could have become loose.

Why should I clear snow build up from the top of my tank?

You should check your heating oil tank every time there is a large snowfall. The weight of large amounts of snow can cause damage to your tank. Any excess snow should be removed or brushed off ASAP. Exposed pipework should also cleared to prevent damage caused by low temperatures or condensation in the tank.

What’s the maximum amount of fuel you can deliver?

Our largest tanker can deliver up to 18,000 litres. What happens if I’ve paid upfront but my tank can’t take the full amount ordered? If our driver finds you’ve ordered too much home heating oil for your tank’s capacity, we’ll refund the cost of any undelivered amount straight to your payment card or amend your payment plan.

Can you deliver different fuels in one tanker?

Our tankers all have different compartments so we can deliver gas oil, diesel, petrol and heating oil all from one tanker.

What is a kerosene tank?

A kerosene tank is another name for an oil heating tank or a home heating tank.

Can you repair my oil tank?

Our oil tank engineers will come and give you damaged oil tank a free assessment. We can then determine if your oil tank needs repairing or if the broken oil tank needs replacing.

If you’d like more information about our oil tank replacement service please contact us.

If a crack appears on your oil tank, you’ll need to act quickly to avoid any possible environmental damage.

Check whether the crack is above or below the oil level. If the crack’s below the oil level get some of your oil removed as soon as possible to prevent any leaks.

Once there’s no risk of a leak you’ll need to replace your tank as soon as possible. We can’t deliver more oil if your oil tank is in a poor state of repair.

We can do an emergency tank repair and an emergency oil tank pump out if required.

Where can I buy an oil tank near me?

We have oil depots all across the South West of England. Contact us to find the nearest depot to you.

Our Evesham oil tank engineers service a large area, so do our Stalbridge oil tank engineers,

We also have a Bristol oil tank engineer department, which supplies oil tanks and oil tank services to a large part of the Somerset oil tank customers.

Our Gloucester oil tank engineers also service oil tanks ( and supply new ones) to the Gloucestershire oil tank market.

What oil tanks do you use?

We have an excellent selection of heating oil tanks, oil tanks dispensers and AdBlue tanks, suitable for all your needs.

We have a fantastic relationship with too major oil tank brand. Deso Tanks and Harlequin Tanks are well known in the heating oil trade as having excellent quality and longevity.

What is a bunded oil tank?

Bunded oil tanks are oil tanks with an extra outer protective layer that is there to protect the inner tank (a tank within a tank). This adds extra protection from damage and against fuel lost.

What happens if I’ve paid upfront but my oil tank can’t take the full amount ordered?

If our driver finds you’ve ordered too much home heating oil for your tank’s capacity, we’ll refund the cost of any undelivered amount straight to your payment card or amend your payment plan.

What’s the minimum fuel order?

The minimum amount we can deliver is 500 litres. Regular domestic customers with a 3-bedroom house typically use between 1,500-3,000 litres a year.

Many domestic customers opt to have a delivery of 1,000 litres to cover the winter months, with smaller top-ups when they’re needed.

How can I pay?

We have several payment plans designed to help you manage your fuel costs for no additional fee including Pay As You Go, EasiLIFE and our monthly payment plan.

If you’re a new customer purchasing fuel via Pay As You Go we require full payment when you first order.

For subsequent orders made within a year you’ll have seven days from delivery to arrange full payment.

If you choose our monthly payment plan you’ll spread the cost of your fuel over twelve months by direct debit.

How far can the tanker hose reach?

In order to successfully deliver your fuel oil our tanker needs to be able to reach within 150 feet of your tank.

Drivers can deliver from the road or pass the delivery hose over a wall or hedge to access your oil tank.

If you’re concerned about whether your delivery will reach you simply contact us to discuss your accessibility.

How big is the delivery tanker?

We have several delivery trucks, the largest of which holds 18,000 litres, whilst our smallest carries 10,500 litres.

Most of our tankers need a lane at least 9 feet wide, without sharp bends, in order to deliver.

For properties with limited access we can use our smaller more manoeuvrable trucks. Additionally, we have 4×4 vehicles which hold 1,000 litres for more hard to reach deliveries.

Can you deliver heating oil on weekends?

Our delivery heating oil days are Monday – Friday. We can deliver at the weekend by special request, however this will incur an additional cost.

How do I know when my oil delivery is due?

We can text or call you the day before your delivery to remind you to keep your home heating oil tank accessible the following day.

How quickly can you deliver oil?

Deliveries are usually scheduled within five working days of your order being placed.

Express deliveries can be scheduled within two working days of your order, providing we have availability.

Please contact us to discuss your delivery needs.

What if my oil tank is locked when you deliver oil?

Our drivers are happy to follow any written instructions or hold keys for the lock to your oil tanks.

How often should I replace my oil tank?

The average life of a home heating oil tank is 15 to 20 years. If you’re unsure how old your oil tank is, please contact us for a fuel tank inspection.

How do I arrange an oil tank inspection?

We can arrange to have your home heating oil tank inspected – please contact us to schedule an appointment.

What should I do if my oil tank is cracked?

Check whether the crack is above or below the oil level. If the crack’s below the oil level get some of your oil removed as soon as possible to prevent any leaks.

Once there’s no risk of a leak you’ll need to replace your tank as soon as possible. We can’t deliver more oil if your oil tank is in a poor state of repair. If you’d like more information about our oil tank replacement service or think you may need oil tank maintenance, please contact us.

Should I include my home heating oil tank on my insurance?

We recommend you choose an insurance company that offers cover for any loss of fuel through theft or spillage.

You may wish to think about upgrading your account to our heating oil ‘EasiLIFE’ Top-up system, which means we monitor your oil tanks levels for you, and can top-up automatically.

If your account is eligible for a gauge to be fitted to your tank you will also benefit from ‘sudden drop alerts’. These alerts will send us notifications of any sudden drops in your oil tanks levels, which may indicate oil theft or a damaged oil tank.

How do I get a priority fuel delivery?

If your heating oil is running low and you need a priority delivery, simply let us know when you call to order or select the soonest available delivery window with your order online. If you’ve run out of fuel and need an emergency delivery, we’ll aim to deliver to you within 24 hours, at an additional charge.

You may wish to think about upgrading your account to our heating oil ‘EasiLIFE’ Top-up system, which means we monitor your oil tanks levels for you, and can top-up automatically.

How do I dip my oil tanks?

Insert a stick into your home heating oil tank until it touches the bottom. Make sure your stick is vertical; if it goes in at an angle you’ll get a reading that’s higher than your oil level. Remove the stick from the oil tank to see how much of it has been immersed in the oil. If you have a heating oil chart for you oil tank you can use this to calculate the volume left in your tank. If you don’t have a chart, simply see where the oil is on your stick. If only the lower part of the stick is covered, you know levels are getting low and you’ll need to schedule a kerosene  delivery soon.

What is a Gas Range Cooker?

Gas Range Cookers often satisfy the cooking, hot water and heating requirements of the property.

These only require servicing once a year.

We do not offer a contract on these types of Range Cookers.

What is a Oil Vaporising Range Cooker?

Oil Pressure Jet Range Cookers often satisfy the cooking, hot water and heating requirements of the property.

These only require servicing once a year.

We do not offer a contract on these types of Range Cookers.

What is a Oil Vaporising Range Cooker?

Oil Vaporising Range Cookers (mainly AGAs) are normally used just for cooking, although some do heat the hot water cylinder in the airing cupboard.

Vaporising Range Cookers will require servicing at least twice
a year (if used throughout the year).

We offer a contract on these types of Range Cookers.

What is a System Boiler?

System Boilers are part of your central heating and water storage system. They are fed water directly from the mains instead of a feed tank. They are able to heat up several rooms and supply multiple bathrooms without diminishing the temperature of your heating systems.

If you want to stick to a Regular Boilers and avoid complex features, a System Boiler can be a great decision.

What is a Combi Boiler?

Combination Boilers provide heating and hot water without the use of a hot water tank. They are ideal for smaller premises and areas without room for a larger system but also need that constant flow of water to operate properly since they have no tank.

Ideal for smaller spaces.
Top of the range Combi-Boilers can provide the benefits you would also get with a System Boiler.

What is a Heat-Only Boiler / Regular Boiler?

Heat-Only Boilers produce heat, they do not provide hot water. These types of boiler are more effective at keeping a room heated although they do lack the benefits of the extra water heating system. They also known as ‘Regular Boiler’ as they are generally simpler than other types of boilers.

Easier to install than more complex boiler types.

Where can I book a boiler service near me?

We have 12 depots situated across the South West.

Can you service gas boilers?

We can provide gas boiler servicing and installation, please call our office on 01963 363555 for more details.

How do I pay for my new tank or boiler installation?

We will ask for a 50% deposit on order with the remaining balance due on the 15th of the month following completion of the installation.

What type of fuel should I use in my oil heating system?

Most home oil heating systems run on Kerosene, which can also be referred to as 28 second oil, burning oil or simply as heating oil.

In addition to standard kerosene we also provide two premium heating oil products:

BetterBURN For use in standard heating systems. The benefits of BetterBURN fuel are:

  • Improves fuel efficiency of your appliance.
  • Provides a better burn quality.
  • Lowers carbon emissions.
  • Reduces deposit build up around nozzles and heat exchanger surfaces.
  • Stabilises the fuel.
  • Inhibits sludge build up in your heating oil tank.
  • Increased shelf life compared to normal kerosene.
  • Reduces service problems.

BetterBURN VFor use in cooker systems such as AGA’s or Rayburns. The benefits of BetterBURN V are:

  • Improves the burn quality of the fuel.
  • Lowers the char value.
  • Reduces the build-up of carbon deposits and soot.
  • Inhibits growth of deposits in the fuel tank.
  • Minimises the potential for fuel tank corrosion.
  • Increases the fuel shelf life.
  • Reduces service problems.
Does my tank need to be bunded?

You’ll need a bunded oil tank if:

  • The capacity of the tank exceeds 2,500lts.
  • The tank is located inside a building or outhouse.
  • Oil spills could run into an open drain or loose manhole cover.
  • If the tank vent pipes cannot be seen when the tank is being filled, for example if the delivery tanker is parked too far away or it is filled using a remote fill.
  • It is located within 10 metres of coastal waters or inland fresh waters such as lakes or streams.
  • It is located within 50 metres of a drinking water source, for example wells, boreholes or springs.
  • Oils spills could run over hard ground and reach coastal waters, inland fresh waters or a drinking water source.
  • It is in the inner zone of a groundwater source protection zone 1.

For more information contact us on 01963 363555 or view the oil storage guidelines here https://www.gov.uk/oil-storage-regulations-and-safety/home.

Is it better to have a plastic or metal tank?

We find that most customers now prefer to choose a plastic tank over a steel tank. Plastic oil tanks are low maintenance as they don’t need regular painting, and they can come in all shapes and sizes to suit your individual requirements. Installation costs for plastic tanks are generally lower as they are lightweight and easier to position than a steel tank.

Steel oil tanks are available and are more robust than a plastic tank.

To discuss what tank is best for you please call 01963 363555 and arrange for a free site survey from one of our OFTEC trained surveyors.

How can I ensure my boiler is running as efficiently as possible?

To keep you boiler running as efficiently as possible we recommend that you have you boiler serviced each year and also use one of our premium fuels to heat you home.

Benefits of our premium fuels include:

BetterBURN For use in standard heating systems. The benefits of BetterBURN fuel are:

  • Improves fuel efficiency of your appliance.
  • Provides a better burn quality.
  • Lowers carbon emissions.
  • Reduces deposit build up around nozzles and heat exchanger surfaces.
  • Stabilises the fuel.
  • Inhibits sludge build up in your heating oil tank.
  • Increased shelf life compared to normal kerosene.
  • Reduces service problems.

BetterBURN VFor use in cooker systems such as AGA’s or Rayburns. The benefits of BetterBURN V are:

  • Improves the burn quality of the fuel.
  • Lowers the char value.
  • Reduces the build-up of carbon deposits and soot.
  • Inhibits growth of deposits in the fuel tank.
  • Minimises the potential for fuel tank corrosion.
  • Increases the fuel shelf life.
  • Reduces service problems.
Is my oil tank covered by my home’s insurance?

Not all home insurance policies cover oil tanks. We recommend that you speak to your insurance company to find out what is covered by your policy.

I think I have water in my tank; can you help?

We can come out and remove water from your fuel tank.

We also offer a full tank check service which includes a visual check by one of our OFTEC qualified engineers, a water dip test and removal of water, and a pressure test of any underground pipe work to ensure there are no underground leaks. Please contact us on 01963 363555 for more details.

Can I put my oil tank inside?

Locating your tank in a garage or outhouse can provide additional security and reduce the risk of your tank being damaged.

You can locate your oil tank inside of a garage or outhouse, provided it is with a self-contained 60-minute fire chamber. Your tank will also need to be bunded.

For more information or to arrange a site survey with one of our OFTEC qualified surveyors please contact us on 01963 363555 or email engineering@fordfuels.co.uk.

What is the warranty on my new boiler?

We are approved installers for Grant® and Worcester Bosch® boilers. Boilers installed and commissioned by Ford Fuels qualify for an extended 5-year manufacturer’s warranty*.

We can offer warranties of up to 10 years on certain models of boilers.

* To maintain warranty your appliance must be serviced annually.

What is the warranty on my new oil tank?

Our plastic oil tanks come with 10-year manufacturer’s warranty. All workmanship comes with a 12-month guarantee.

What is the lifespan of a plastic oil tank?

The usual life span of an oil tank is 15-20 years old, although this will depend on the original quality of the tank and any corrosion caused by outdoor conditions. When checking your tank common things to look out for which show it may need replacing are:

  • Splits or cracks in plastic tanks.
  • Rusting of metal tanks.
  • Bulging of your tank.
  • ‘Leaning’ of the tank or base being otherwise unstable.
  • Visible leaks or a strong smell of fuel.

To arrange a free site survey for a new tank or to organise a tank check service for your current tank, please contact us on 01963 363555.

Do you offer underground fuel tanks?

We do not offer underground fuel tanks for domestic heating purposes. All our tanks are above ground and come in all shapes and sizes to suit your requirements.

For more information or to arrange a site survey with one of our OFTEC qualified surveyors please contact us on 01963 363555 or email engineering@fordfuels.co.uk.

Can I put my oil tank in the garage?

Locating your tank in a garage or outhouse can provide additional security and reduce the risk of your tank being damaged.

For You can locate your oil tank inside of a garage or outhouse, provided it is with a self-contained 60-minute fire chamber. Your tank will also need to be bunded.

more information or to arrange a site survey with one of our OFTEC qualified surveyors please contact us on 01963 363555 or email engineering@fordfuels.co.uk.

Do you offer an emergency breakdown service?

We offer an emergency breakdown service for both boiler and tank emergencies. In an emergency we aim to be with you within 24 hours, and usually we can respond the same day.

To arrange an emergency visit please contact us on 01963 363555.

My AGA / Rayburn is coking up and going out; what should I do?

We recommend that you have you appliance servicing by one of our OFTEC engineers who will get your cooker running smoothly again. To book a service contact us on 01963 363555.

You can also consider moving to BetterBURN V fuel, a kerosene product designed specifically to fuel vaporising boilers. This fuel contains an additive pack that:

  • Improves the burn quality of the fuel.
  • Lowers the char value.
  • Reduces the build-up of carbon deposits and soot.
  • Inhibits growth of deposits in the fuel tank.
  • Minimises the potential for fuel tank corrosion.
  • Increases the fuel shelf life.
  • Reduces service problems.

For more information on BetterBURN V please contact your local Ford Fuels depot or send us an email to admin@fordfuels.co.uk.

I’m moving away from oil heating; can you decommission and remove my oil tank?

We offer an oil tank decommissioning and fuel disposal service. For more information please contact us on 01963 363555.

My oil tank is leaking, what should I do?

If you see that your oil tanks leaking, contact your insurance company immediately. Depending on your level of cover they should be able to appoint a suitable specialist to stop the leak and assess the impact.

If your insurance doesn’t provide adequate cover you should contact a specialist contractor immediately. Start by contacting an OFTEC technician or UK Spill-accredited clean-up company.

Oil tank maintenance is key to maintaining your tanks integrity. Our engineers are just a phone call away.


What size oil tank do I need?

We recommend that home heating oil tank do not exceed 3,500lts, and our most popular tank sizes range between 1,000 and 2,500 litres.

The appropriate size of tank will depend on the space you have available to site the oil tank, and the size of the property that you will be heating. When choosing your tank remember that you can make savings on your fuel purchases by buying in larger quantities. For example, we have price breaks at 900lts and 1500lts for heating oil.

Can you provide a landlord certificate?

We can inspect the boiler at your rental property and provide a landlords certificate. Please call our office on 01963 363555 or email engineering@fordfuels.co.uk for more details.

Can you service gas boilers?

We can provide gas boiler servicing and installation, please call our office on 01963 363555 for more details.

What types of boilers can you install?

We are approved installers for Grant® and Worcester Bosch® and EOGB Sapphire Boilers and can offer warranties of up to 10 years on certain models of boilers.

Boilers installed and commissioned by Ford Fuels qualify for an extended 5-year manufacturer’s warranty*.

* To maintain warranty your appliance must be serviced annually.

I’ve lost the lid to my oil tank; how can I get a replacement?

If you have lost a key to your plastic oil tank lid please contact us on 01963 363555 to arrange a replacement. Replacement tank parts can usually be delivered within 3 working days.

I’ve lost the key to my plastic oil tank; how can I get a replacement?

If you have lost a lid to your fuel tank please contact us on 01963 363555 to organise a replacement. To ensure that you do not have problems of water getting into your tank whilst waiting for a replacement we recommend that you temporarily cover any tank openings. Replacement tank parts can usually be delivered within 3 working days.

Can you provide boiler maintenance contracts?

We offer boiler maintenance contracts to cover your oil boiler or Aga. More information can be found here or alternatively contact our office on 01963 363555.

I have a problem with my radiator, can you help?

We can offer a full range of heating engineering requirements including radiators and all other parts of your home heating systems. Please contact us on 01963 363555 to discuss your requirements.

Can you install new boilers and heating systems?

We install gas and oil boilers and heating systems. We can offer a full boiler replacement and heating system installation service. Please contact us on 01963 363555 to discuss your requirements and to organise a free, no obligation, site survey and quotation.


What types of oil tanks can you supply?

We supply a full range of oil tanks that come in all shapes and sizes to suit your requirements. We can provide plastic oil tanks manufactured by DESO or Harlequin, as well as steel oil tanks. Popular oil tanks can be found on our website, or alternatively contact us for more information.

My heating engineer has recommended that I replace my tank, what do I do?

Call us on 01963 363555 to organise a free site survey by one of our OFTEC qualified surveyors who can discuss your options in replacing your oil tank.

What are the common signs that my tank may need replacing?

Most oil tanks will need replacing when they are between 15-20 years old. Common things to look out for are:

  • Splits or cracks in plastic tanks.
  • Rusting of metal tanks.
  • Bulging of your tank.
  • ‘Leaning’ of the tank or base being otherwise unstable.
  • Visible leaks or a strong smell of fuel.

To arrange a free site survey for a new tank or to organise a tank check service for your current tank, please contact us on 01963 363555.

How should my new tank be supported?

It is important that fuel tanks are adequately supported to avoid the risk of a tank failure or spillage occurring. For plastic tanks it is important that the tank base provides continual structural support, regardless of and changes in the ground conditions throughout the year. The base supporting your tank should be:

  • Adequate for the weight of the tank and its contents when full (1000lts weighs approx. one ton).
  • Non-combustible, imperforate and level.
  • Constructed of concrete, paving slabs or stonework.
  • Large enough to extend 300mm beyond all sides of the tank.

For more information or to organise a site survey please contact us on 01963 363555.

Where can I put my new oil tank?

Your oil tank should be sited within 180ft of where our delivery tank can park to make the delivery. We recommend that you consider a straight run for the vehicle hose where possible as this reduces the risk of precious flowerpots being damaged, or scuff marks being left on the edges of buildings.

There are specific rules about where you can / can’t put your oil tank and we can help by carrying out a site survey to help you decide where you would like your tank to go. The rules are in place largely for fire safety and environmental reasons, and tanks should be sited:

  • 8m away from non-fire rated eaves of a building.
  • 8m away from a non-fire rated buildings or structures (such as garden sheds).
  • 8m away from openings (such as doors or windows) in a fire rated building (e.g. a brink house / garage).
  • 8m away from liquid fuel appliance flue terminals.
  • 760mm away from a non-fire rated boundary, such as a wooden fence.
  • 600mm away from screening (e.g. trellis and foliage or fencing panels) that does not form part of the boundary.

If it is impossible to comply then an additional fire protection barrier may be required.

If your tank is located near a water source or in close proximity to a drain or bore hole, then you will require a bunded oil tank.

If you need further advice, please contact us to arrange a free no-obligation survey by one of our OFTEC qualified surveyors.

How often should I check my oil tank?

Our delivery drivers will check your delivery tank prior to filling and will point out any problems you may have. We recommend that you have your tank checked as part of your annual service which can be arranged by calling us on 01963 363555.

We can also offer a full tank check service which includes a visual check by one of our OFTEC qualified engineers, a water dip test and removal of water, and a pressure test of any underground pipe work to ensure there are no underground leaks. Please contact us for more details.

General things to look out for when checking your tank include:

  • Splits or cracks in plastic tanks.
  • Rusting of metal tanks.
  • Bulging of your tank.
  • ‘Leaning’ of the tank or base being otherwise unstable.
  • Visible leaks or a strong smell of fuel.
  • Gauges falling over or not working.
  • Tanks overgrown with foliage.

We recommend you have your home heating oil tanks serviced at least once a year. Oil tank maintenance ensures your oil tank is safe, compliant with regulations and functioning well. You’ll receive a lifespan estimation so you can plan for the cost of a replacement.

It also demonstrates to your insurance company that you’ve been responsible in the event of a claim. If your oil tank isn’t sufficiently well maintained we may not be able to deliver your fuel safely.

How much is a boiler service?

The cost of a boiler service will depend on your appliance and will usually be between £90 and £200, depending on your boiler(s). We also offer annual maintenance plans, if you need more information please contact us on 01963 363555 or email us at engineering@fordfuels.co.uk

We also offer an annual maintenance contract. Our contract is designed to give you peace of mind with the knowledge that boiler servicing, breakdown fees and parts are all covered for the 12 months of the contract.

For more information please contact us.

How often should I get my boiler serviced?

Most manufacturers recommend that boilers should be serviced once a year. Call us on 01963 363555 to book one of our OFTEC engineers who can service your boiler to keep it in optimum condition. We will also check your oil tank at the same time to give you peace of mind that your oil heating system is in good working order.

Where can I find heating oil near me?

We now operate over 130 delivery vehicles from our 12 depots across the UK, supplying both home heating oil and boiler engineer services.

Find your local heating oil depot below:

Search above for your local oil supplier/heating engineer service or you can find their contact numbers below:

Bow Oil Depot- 01363 881007
Defford Oil Depot- 01386 570509
Farrington Gurney Oil Depot- 01761 452222
Finmere Oil Depot- 01280 730285
Gloucester Oil Depot- 01452 302191
Membury Oil Depot- 01488 72929
Presteigne Oil Depot- 01544 300400
Reading Oil Depot- 01189 306050
Stalbridge Oil Depot- 01963 363014
Weston Super Mare Oil Depot- 01934 319555
Yate Oil Depot- 01454 809790

Stalbridge Heating Engineer Depot- 01963 363555
Evesham Heating Engineer Depot- 01386 871777

How do you fuel oil boilers?

To fuel oil boilers you use kerosene.

Kerosene (sometimes misspelled as kerosine) also known as Heating Oil or Burning Oil, is a 28 sec burning oil commonly used in oil heating systems.

Alternatively you could upgrade to one of our premium heating oils.

Premium heating oils are designed to work more efficiently than standard heating oils.

Our Premium Heating Oil, BetterBURN, is 10% more efficient than it’s standard counterparts. With that added efficiency you will save money in the long run, and you can have the peace of mind knowing you are creating less CO₂ emissions. You will also save on maintenance costs as BetterBURN causes less wear in the various heating system components. There are two types of BetterBURN available but choosing the right one is simple. ‘BetterBURN’ is for boilers and ‘BetterBURN V’ is for range cookers (e.g. AGAs) and vaporising burners. If your oil tank feeds into both a Boiler and an AGA, then you need BetterBURN V .

What are average home Heating Oil prices?

Heating Oil, or Kerosene (sometimes misspelled as kerosine),  prices are very much influenced by world and domestic events.

We strive to stay highly competitive within the home heating oils market, and will give you our up to date heating oil prices where possible.

What are Premium Heating Oils?

Premium heating oils are designed to work more efficiently than standard heating oils.

Our Premium Heating Oil, BetterBURN, is 10% more efficient than it’s standard counterparts. With that added efficiency you will save money in the long run, and you can have the peace of mind knowing you are creating less CO₂ emissions. You will also save on maintenance costs as BetterBURN causes less wear in the various heating system components. There are two types of BetterBURN available but choosing the right one is simple. ‘BetterBURN’ is for boilers and ‘BetterBURN V’ is for range cookers (e.g. AGAs) and vaporising burners. If your oil tank feeds into both a Boiler and an AGA, then you need BetterBURN V .

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